Raffy Banks

Hello! I'm Raffy Banks.

Over the past decade, I led the development and growth of MTS on Demand and SeaDrive (B2B SaaS) from zero to hundreds of thousands of users.

Here you'll find articles about AI, product development, and productivity.

Recent Articles

How to say “no” as a Product Manager

March 25, 2020

As a Product Manager, it’s inevitable that opportunities will come your way that, in your mind, make absolutely no sense in pursuing and you will want to say “no.”

Rarely Recommended Books for Product Managers

November 19, 2019

To stand out as a PM you need to focus some portion of your time on learning things your peers are not. The more unique and well balanced your knowledge-stack, the more likely you will be to succeed. This means seeking out knowledge and learning from different and unique sources.

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